I am writing up a report in Microsoft Word and I need to include references. However, the style I am writing in requires that the references be written like:
. which is why they decided to attack [5]. .and not
. which is why they decided to attack (The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, 1851)
However, Microsoft Word 2010 seems to offer no way to support this. I've searched everywhere I could and all tutorials show how to create either footnotes, or the second scenario presented above. Please let me know whether it's possible for me to do what I am trying to.
I have figured out the answer.
The style of Reference page I would like to use is called IEEE . In the Citations and Bibliography section of the References tab, there is a menu for Style . If you select that, IEEE is one of the options.
So overall the steps are:
NOTE: If you don't see the IEEE format as an option, you need to install it, as @Kesavan points out below. If the link he provided didn't work, go HERE, download styles.zip , unzip it, then copy all the .xsl files (each representing a different style) into the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\Bibliography\Style or equivalent on your machine.