Bazerman summary speevh acts

Speech acts are what was done with the words that were said or what actions were taken by those words. An example is when two friends make a promise or a priest announces a couple man and wife. There are three kinds of speech acts:
1. Locutionary- literally what is said
2. Perlocutionary- what the listener actually hears
3. illocutionary- what the speaker intends for the listener to hear
These can be used to analyze all kinds of text. A letter to an ex-girlfriend was used as an example in this reading saying what the ex- boyfriend has been doing and how he is doing in life. She may take it as " he misses me and he wants to try and be romantic again". This could result in her not answering because of the way she read it. After talking about the Speech Acts, Charles Bazerman goes on to explain the difference between a genre system and a genre set. I now know that a genre system is comprised of many genre sets of people working together in an organized way. A genre set is the collection of types of texts someone in a particular role is likely to produce.